Prices, shipping costs and delivery information

The prices stated on the product pages include the statutory value added tax and other price components. First select the country in the top right corner of the shop to which your order should be delivered. Only then the product price can be calculated correctly, including VAT.

In addition to the prices quoted, we charge a flat-rate shipping fee, which is assigned to the countries in the following list:

CountryShipping costsFree shipping fromDelivery time/shipping method
Deutschland5,90 €400€ (Brutto)3-5 Tage; DHL
Österreich, Niederlande12,90 €400€ (Brutto)DPD
Frankreich, Spanien14,90 €400€ (Brutto)DHL
Tschechien6,90 €400€ (Brutto)Packeta
Rumänien, Slowakei, Slowenien, Polen8,90 €400€ (Brutto)Packeta
Schweiz, Lichtenstein15,90 € (Netto)400€ (Netto)Packeta, DHL
Ungarn, Kroatien, Litauen9,90 €400€ (Brutto)Packeta
Portugal, Griechenland, Lettland10,90 €400€ (Brutto)Packeta
Bulgarien, Italien, Belgien, Estland11,90 €400€ (Brutto)Packeta
Luxemburg12,90 €400€ (Brutto)Packeta
Dänemark13,90 €400€ (Brutto)Packeta
Irland, Schweden, Vatikanstadt, San Marino, Andorra14,90 €400€ (Brutto)DHL, Packeta
Finnland, Malta15,90 €400€ (Brutto)DHL
Albanien, Bosnien Herzegowina, Island, Mazedonien, Montenegro, Norwegen, Serbien, Ukraine, Weißrussland16,72 € (Netto)400€ (Netto)DHL
Russland30,17 € (Netto)400€ (Netto)DHL
GroßbritannienErst ab Bestellwert von 200 € (Netto)KostenfreiDetailed information

We only deliver to the countries listed here.

The shipping costs are clearly stated in the shopping cart system and on the order page.

The flat-rate shipping costs can be found in the list above. The shipping fee includes the statutory value added tax. Since VAT is calculated on the flat-rate shipping costs depending on the goods purchased, it can be reduced if goods are purchased at lower VAT rates (e.g. when purchasing books). This means that the flat-rate shipping costs can only be finally calculated during the ordering process. However, it cannot get higher, but only lower in your favor.